Thursday 1 January 2009

नयाँ  बर्षको शुभकामना ! 

नयाँ बर्षको उपलक्षमा सम‌स्त साथिभाइ तथा मान्यजनहरुमा हार्दिक मंगलमय शुभकामना ब्यक्त गर्दछु । यस बर्षले यहाँको जीवनमा सुख सम्वृद्दी र सपलता ल्याओस । 

वासुदेव घिमिरे 
दक्षिण कोरीया

Wednesday 29 October 2008

Impressive saying by famous people (famous quotes)

The danger is not that computers will think like men, but that men will think like computers. -Sydney J. Harris

An intelligent man is sometimes forced to be drunk to spend time with his fools. -Ernest Hemingway 

Don't take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive. -Elbert Hubbard

The believer is happy. The doubter is wise. -Hungarian proverb (which one do you like to be?)

If you believe everything you read, better not read. Japanese proverb ( like many our nepali scholar) :D

A great many people think they are thinking when they are merely rearranging their prejudices. -William James (Consipiracy is not creative thing, believe me :))

You come to love not by finding the perfect person, but by seeing an imperfect person perfectly. -Sam Keen (gadi se dil lagi to pari kya cheej hai??? :))

It's not what happens to you in life that's important, it's how you react to what happens. -Mike Keenan ( if so, try to react in an artistic manner)

The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy. -Martin Luther King, Jr. (pariksya ko ghadi in nepali)

Everybody has the will to win; precious few have the will to prepare to win. -Bobby Knight (remember! good begining is half success!!:)

People are just as happy as they make up their minds to be. -Abraham Lincoln

Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another: "What! You, too? Thought I was the only one." -C.S. Lewis (that's why its easier to make friend when he/she is also drunk like you!!!:D)

Don't be so humble - you are not that great. -Golda Meir ( try to mischeive some time)

What does not kill me makes me stronger. -Friedrich Nietzsche (r u ready to face more trouble???)

The happiest person is he who thinks the most interesting thoughts. -William Lyon Phelps (may be:))

Do not look back in anger, or forward in fear, but around in awareness. -James Thurber

Remember, you can't steal second if you don't take your foot off first. -Mike Todd (some good person also teach you how to pull another's leg:)

Often we have no time for our friends, but all the time in the world for our enemies. -Lean Uris ( give time to your friend as well)

Serious people have few ideas. People with ideas are never serious. -Paul Valery (Dont be serious)

Sunday 12 October 2008

Dashain in Korea

Probably, it was a different experience for me. I proposed to Tek dai to celebrate Dashain as we used to celebrate in Nepal , since we were 4 members from our family in Korea including Kaki. As we decided, he grew some maize sprout (JAMARA) in Seoul University Dormitory. It was really exciting moment when I checked the jamara just after I got there from my university. They were so nice and so natural right like our worshiping room (Puja Kotha) in darker corner in our house. Usually we choose darker corner of the house to grow the sprout (JAMARA) so that their colour turned yellowish because of insufficient light. The auspicious moment for TIKA (to have marks with red coloured rice in forehead) was 11.00 am according to Nepalese time. We already passed 1.00 pm Korean time. Kaki argued that auspicious time was indeed converting the nepali time into Korean. But in fact I was feeling hunger since I did not have breakfast that morning ( before TIKA having breakfast or any kind of foods is not allowed culturally). We started our tika by 1.15. It was the Korea still there was a kind of feeling that how much fun I would make if I was in Nepal with my family-my daughter, my wife, my mother. And indeed I was really missing my daughter at that moment because that dashain was the first dashain for her. She just crossed one year. In last Dashain, she was less than one month old. For the child before the inauguration of food (usually for boy after 6 or 8 months and for girl after 5 or 7 months after birth) TIKA is forbidden. I just called them, talked with binod dai, unfortunately I couldn't get contacted to mother and other members of the family. One good aspect was that at least we were going to celebrate Dashain even in Korea and not having the day off with fresh JAMARA and with family environment but these festival, celebration in the foreign countries I found they bring the storm of old days memories and severely you missed your land your society and your family. In this sense it is bad as well.

Any way we wear the TIKA, had the lunch together with chicken with Nepali test and other tasty pickles and Daal. Took picture and movies. There was some fun too while having photo graph. Some time we wear tika at first and missed to take picture or some time picture quality was not good. We just repeated the moment only for picture. It was a kind of acting. Kaki was laughing and was happy for this moment until the evening when many other Nepali people came to have TIKA. Finally she was enthusiastic because initially when I purpose to celebrate the Dashain I did not see the eagerness and enthusiasm on her. She believe in foreign land Celebrating Dashain and following culture is only a mock. But she realized it was worth to memorize.

These some picture shows the happiness of that day. among small family in Korea.

Saturday 11 October 2008

Friday 10 October 2008


बिजयादशमी 2065 को शुभ उपलक्ष्यमा हार्दिक मंगलमय शुभकामना !!!

जयन्ती मंगला कलि भद्रकाली कपालिनी
दुर्गा क्सना शिवा धात्री स्वाहा स्वधा नोमोस्तुते !!!
शैलपुत्री ले अखंड शक्ति प्रदान गरुन,
ब्रम्हाचारिणी ले सुख र उन्मुक्ति
चंद्रघंटाले बहादुरी,
कुस्मंडाको ले बलबाहु
स्कंदमाता ले तेज प्रदान गरुन,
कात्यायनी ले शुन्दरता अनी मनमोहकता
कालरात्रि जस्तो मुक्ति दाता
महागौरी जस्तो गुणवान र शांतीप्रीय
सिद्दीदात्री ले कार्य सिद्दी प्रदान गरुन !!!

This is my best wishes from the depth of heart to all my respective, friends and colleagues on the eve of this greatest festival of only of Nepal and Nepali people. Enjoy this festival with great happiness, brotherhood, love and respect with eachothers may it bring permanent peace, happiness, development and prosperity in our lovely motherland Nepal.


Saturday 20 September 2008

दुई शब्द पुष्प तिम्रो जन्म दिनमा
न्जान, अज्ञात अनि अपरिचित थियौ त्यस दिन तिमी तर पनि अपेक्षित थियौ

नूतन नयनहरु मात्रिबत्सल्यबाट पहिलो पटक उघार्दा चमकीरहेको तिमी नूर थियौ

सुमंगल तिम्रो पदार्पणमा सींगो मेरो संसार सुभाषित भए झै भयो

याचना मेरो युग धर्मको तिम्रो आगमनमा छोरी पुरा भएको थियो

वाटिका मेरो सजियो तिमी सानी बासन्ती कोपिला संग संगै

सुबोध लागेको छ जीवनका रीतहरु तोते बोलीका उत्तरहरु संगै

घिस्रदै गरेको जीवन रथमा तिमीले भरेको मधुरतालाई साधुवाद दिदै

मिठासपूर्ण ममता अनि छचल्किएको माया सजाई मन भरी

रेगिस्तानबाट यस बाबुको शब्द पुष्प उपहार सहित जन्म दिनको सुभकामना मुरी मुरी !!!
२०६५ साल असोज ४ गते शनिबार कोरिया

तिम्रो इ-मेलको जबाफ

बर्खे सत्रको लोडशेडिंग संगै

मेरो खाममा आएको तिम्रो इमेल लाई साधुबाद,
एक पछि अर्को तिम्रो प्रश्न ले मलाई छुटाउन गारो भएको छ

यो मेरो सम्झना थियो वा तिम्रो संदेह

मलाई दिएको बधाई खोई कसरी लिउ

बिदेश पढाई को मने सफलता हो भनी नबुझेको बेला,

मेरो देशको पछोउटेपनमा अरुले दया पस्कियेको बेला

हामी एउतै दुंगा थियौ आहिले म क्रुज मा छू,

तिमी प्वाल परेकै दूंगामा रुमल्लिई रहेका छौ भनी

मेरो हैसियतामा अरुहरुले औला ठदाएको बेला ,

म बिदेश तिरै हराउने हो की भन्ने तिम्रो आशंका जायजै होला

मैले तिमीलाई भनिन होला,

म त त्यहीँ हूदा हराएसकेको थिए,

यहाँ आएर आफुलाई खोज्दै छू,

कता कता भेट्न थालेको छू,

खोज्दै छू

अझै सगरमाथाको रुपमा

हराएको बुद्धको रुपमा

अनी स्वाभिमानी नेपालीको रुपमा

सबै कुरा बिकाऊ मानने सर्बभौतिक दुनियाको मान्यता संग

म पनी तिमी जस्तै सहमत छैन

त्यसैले अहिले सम्म हराइहालेको भने छैन

मैले देश बिर्सने भन्ने प्रश्न गरिछौ

मेटियेका देशहरु भेतीरहेका बेला

फुच्चे ग्लोब घुमाउदा पनी सजिलै देखिने मेरो देश

मेरो मन बाट कसरी मेतिन सक्छ र?

मैले नेपालमा मधेसी र मधेश पाए

पहाडे र पहाडे पाए

थारू र थरुहट पाए,

लिम्बू र लिंबुवान पाए

यी र यस्तै अरु धेरै पाए

नेपाल कतै पाइन

कही पाइन

कहिले पनी पाइन

तर आश्चर्य

यहाँ त नेपाली र नेपाल दुबै पाए

सींगो संग्लो र सग्लो पाए

संका र संदेह हैन, संकल्प र सद्भाब पाए

बिश्वास गर,

फर्किदा तिमीलाई पनी आलिकती नेपाल लेर आउने छू.

मैले धेरै ज्ञान आर्जन गरेको तिम्रो प्रश्न छ

म तिनै बिद्वानहरुलाई पढ्दै छू,

जसको एउटा पाइला पनि बिश्वाबिध्यालायामा परेन

तर जीवन र जगत लाई बुझ तिनीहरुले

म भने जीवन र जगत लाई बिर्सेर

किताबका पाना पढ्दै छू

मेरो झोला प्रमाणपत्रले भारिदै जादा

अनी दिमाग चेतना सुन्य हुदै जादा

अध्ययनको औचित्य खोज्न थालेको छू,

आशा छ, यस यात्रा म तिम्रो साथ पाउने छू


म भन्दा प्यारो कोही भेटियो की भन्ने तिम्रो प्रश्न रहेछ
भौतिक उपस्थिति भन्दा सबल

तिम्रा याद्हरूले

तिम्रो अभाव हुन कहिले पनि दिएन

तिम्रो चोखो मायालाई

चुनौती दिने हिम्मत कसैको नभएर होला सायद

अहिले सम्म कोही पनि भेटिएको छैन

फेरी पनि कोही लागि परेछ भने

अर्को इमेलमा ख़बर गरुला

अहिले यत्ति नै

छोरी लाई माया, तिमीलाई समझना

उही तिम्रो जे बी

South Korea